Do you know the park ICON and their free fall ride? Well a 14 year old kid
named Tyre Samson fell to his death on this ride. We will dive deeper on
why he fell, if it could have been avoided, and get inputs from teachers and
students around the school to see what they think.

I have pondered why Tyre Samson fell to his death. Well Quest Engineering
and Failure Analysis says that the seat that he fell prevented safety sensors
from shutting the ride down and that the harness was too wide. Another
factor can be taken into consideration, that Tyre was too heavy for the ride.
CBS news says that the weight limit was 286 pounds or 130 kilos. Tyre broke the scales at 300 pounds, 14 pounds above the weight limit. Now the rides operators are to be taken into consideration. There are strict rules in
the manual saying that quote. “Be careful when seeing if large guests fit
into the seats. Check that they fit within the contours of the seat and the
bracket fits properly. If this is not so — Do not let this person ride." So are
the operators to blame. There have been many faults coming out of this.
The father blames the park and the park's reputation gets hurt. Then news
blames the operators. There are many factors to be taken in with this so I
asked some students to get some voice.
The chosen students are Sean, Jaslene C, Haylee Ann, and 8th grade
english teacher Mrs. Liota. The first question is. Would you go on the ride
that the kid fell off of? Why or why not? Jaslene said. “I’d rather not
because it could break again. I wouldn’t want to risk my life for a ride I
might not even like!” Haylee Ann said. “Depends on where the ride is if it is
Busch Gardens then yeah. I’ve done it before it was super fun! However, to o it at ICON it’s not a huge franchise where precautions are as required I’m not sure, similar to how I refuse to go on the slingshot in Orlando near the beach.” Sean said. “No, I don't live close to there.” Mrs. Liota said that. “I would only think that this is because of an unfortunate accident that was not a result of the ride itself. I am hoping now that there will be extra
precaution and training as a result of this loss.” The next question is. Do
you think his death could have been avoided? Why or why not? Jaslene said
“It definitely could have been avoided, because they could have checked
everyone’s seats to make sure they were strapped in and stuff like that!”
Haylee said “Yes of course, there are precautions that were not met that
caused such a loss. The seats should have been properly checked and they
should have refused to let him ride if he was too big for the ride. Just as
most rides and places have safety precautions with weight and current
conditions.” Sean said “If the guy didn’t get on it would not have happened.”
Mrs. Liota did not comment. It was many people's fault. We cannot blame
it on one single person.
Some people argue that it was the park's fault while others argue it was the
kid. Ultimately it is many people's fault it is very hard to blame it on one
person entirely. Even though Tyre Sanders was the person at fault It was
hard to pinpoint the person to blame.