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"Sleep, Good or Bad"- Kayla Mckeiver

Everybody sleeps, but it's a matter of if you go to sleep early or late. Certain

people go to sleep earlier, mostly adults and people who have important things to

do the next day. But other people like kids and people who have nothing to do

the next day tend to stay up late and be tired the next day. People who stay up

late tend to have more issues with mental health.

Our number one question is, ‘is sleep good for mental health?’ From our

interview with Jaslene Cintron, we asked what time do you think is a good time

to go to sleep? Jaslene answered “10-11’ we then asked why? As a follow up

question, Jaslene answered” I think it's a good time since it's not too early and

not too late, and you'll get enough sleep to function in the morning”. We also

asked do you think lack of sleep could affect mental health? Jaslene answered

with”yes” we then asked the follow up question why? Jaslene answered by

saying” if you don't get a lot of sleep you're not gonna have a lot of energy, and if

you don't have enough energy it's gonna affect your mood. We then interviewed

Cora H. We asked the same questions that we asked Jaslene, Cora answered

with,” around 11:30” we asked why? Cora answered with,” because people need

time to unwind since certain people have eventful days”. We asked the second

question and Cora answered with “ yes, it definitely affects mental health” we then asked why? Cora responded with “ lack of sleep makes people upset more

often and it leads to bad mental health.” This means that both Jaslene and Cora

think that lack of sleep could affect Mental health.

We also took a poll to finally determine if going to sleep early or late is better,

four people chose late and four people chose early, so it was a tie. We asked

around in our class to break the tie! Two more people chose late, and 3 more

people chose early, and one person chose in between / medium. So more people

chose that going to sleep early is better than going to sleep late. This means that

more people in our Journalism class think that going to sleep early is way better

than going to sleep late!

We could understand how more people would think that going to sleep late is

better since they can do more stuff at night or they just don't have anything to do

the next day so they stay up late. But the more healthier choice is to go to sleep

early since you'll have much more energy in the morning, you'll have a better

mood, and you'll have better mental health than a person who stays up.

To sum it up, more people think that going to sleep earlier is better and healthier

than going to sleep late, and it is proven that going to sleep late and having lack

of sleep could affect mental health in a negative way. So going to sleep earlier

instead of late is better than going to sleep.

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