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"Award shows, should you care?" by William Kirry

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

Year after year almost every major media type has an award show full of celebrities and thousands of people watching the award shows around the world. You get to hear the winners for each category so you know what was good that year, but who decides these things anyways. Award shows are curated and orchestrated by groups that have the power to make the event inherently unfair so are the opinions of award show executives fair or accurate?

Award shows can be great showing the in-depth research and taste of the people

who decide what deserves an award. Award shows can show the highlights of

the year they are from in a way that encapsulates the big hits and some small

ones that deserve recognition.

You've seen the good but now it's time for the bad. Award shows can be an embarrassment to the year they are associated with giving only blind tasteless picks that leave viewers with a bitter flavor. Some just repeat what's popular and It shows how some picks rely entirely on just the bland popular stuff vs choosing more in depth ideas.

With a light shed on both sides of the coin it's easy to see that Award shows can be positive or negative but most tend to be disappointing. There really is no required experience you would need to become part of these shows. Next time an award show is on I do recommend you watch it because award shows wouldn't be as fun if we didn't get to say “the people behind the scenes are nitpicking and biased” so there’s enjoyment to be had, bad or good.

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