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"Discrimination Today..."By Camilla Edmonds and Isabella Garcia


Aren't you glad that you don't have to walk to school afraid that you would get hate -crimed just because of your skin or sexual orientation? Discrimination has been an

issue since the beginning of mankind, this being said many things have changed over

the years from how they were before, and it's time to bring some light to it.

Discrimination has changed over time for the better.

One way that discrimination has gone down is more people are accepting to different sexual orientations and even making it more of a safe environment for the LGBTQ+ community .Schools around the world are creating clubs for lgbtq+ students so more awareness can be raised, as well as putting up flags to show their support. Schools are run by their state government, therefore if the government is more accepting, more people will follow their lead and may help change opinions which further brings down the amount of lgbtq+ people who are being discriminated against. In the old days the government actually made laws prohibiting gay marriages and acts. In 2019,over 2

million people showed up at the pride parade. People showing up at pride parades and

now that there are more straight allies and organization make more lgbtq+ members feel

safer and accepted. This shows how discrimination against the lgbtq+ community has

gone down to the point society is celebrating them as well as creating safe places

where people can be themselves unlike in the past.

Another way that discrimination as gone down is the hate people receive for being a

different race or having disabilities is far less than it was in the past. Human kind used to

have segregation around 1865 and now we don't because less people became narrow

minded. More people want to learn about the black culture and be more

informed. Opinions and stereotypes have changed where people are no longer judging

by peoples color of their skin. This is important because this shows people of other races

are taking more time to research something they don't know much about to further

understand and learn instead of just assuming, it shows care and a higher level of

respect. Back then it wasn't as easy for people with disabilities because jobs were

[excluding] them by not hiring them and school weren't meeting their needs [because]

they weren't adapting. Nowadays ADA prohibits jobs to refuse people with disabilities and

instead jobs need to accommodate or else its [illegal.] This is important because it shows

change, the government is making laws helping people with disabilities lowering

discriminations. Schools are adjusting to be more accessible and inclusive to all by

making special programs for them, giving them accommodations as needed, for example

giving people who need extra time to work on a certain assignment, giving different

tests and even finding a place where there are no distractions and teachers who can

have more one on one time. Schools are also making the school more accessible by

making the campus wheelchair friendly or having a special guide to get through the

day. Making sure every person's needs are meant as best they can, this shows change

from the past.

In conclusion, over time discrimination has gone down because the things people used

to face back then are no longer as common, more people are being included and less

hated on. There are many different forms of discrimination that people face, these were

only a couple of examples to further inform you. Do you feel more aware of the changes

that have been happening right under our noses?



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