Do you know about the disturbances at the school Itms? If not, here is some
The main reason why the disturbance in class happens is because of the fights. [Here] is
the first reason why the fights happen. Some people like to start fights for fun which is not okay because fighting people for fun may be fun for you but for people who don’t like violence and get scared when they see fights happen makes them either pass out or have a panic attack. One student said “ I don’t like violence because I don’t like to see people get hurt” Now some people may call that student a baby or scaredy cat but it is there opinion on what they think about violence. “ Mrs. Liotta says she has seen an increase of fights over the years. At first it seemed like there were only a couple a year now there are weeks where there are more than one a day.”

Kid gets rocked in a fight over milk.
So student behavior in class can affect what they do for example fighting other students
during class, making mean jokes to other students causing the fights.
So just if you like violence think of the consequences and other people around you and
that dont like violence and dont like seeing other people get hurt. But if you are on of those
people who do like fighting and do like violence take it somewhere else where other people dont have to see other people get hurt. So please before you do anything like violence related think if people and consequences. This is the end of my newspaper see you soon goodbye