Some people think listening to music while working has a good effect, others
think it has a bad effect, but which is better?
Sometimes when people listen to music while working they get distracted, but
most of the time they stay focused on their work. Does listening to music while
working have a good effect or a bad effect?
When I interviewed two of my classmates, Gabby and Jasper, and two of my
teachers, Ms. Jesse and Mrs. Ghent, they all said that listening to music while
working has a good effect. For most students listening to music while working is
a good way to stay focused and it has a good effect.
Research has shown that when students listen to music while working it can
lower stress levels. This means that listening to music while working can help
you focus and keep you less stressed. This relates to the point because it shows
that listening to music while working has a good effect. When I interviewed my
classmate Gabby, I asked them if they think listening to music while working has
a good or bad effect, they said it has a good effect because it keeps people calm.
This means that people actually think that listening to music while working has a
good effect, and that when you listen to music you are less stressed and are able
to focus better.
Most people think that listening to music while working helps people have better

When people listen to music while working they tend to be less stressed.
Research has shown that when people listen to music while working helps
people focus more and be less stressed. When I interviewed my teacher Ms.
Jesse, I asked her if she lets her students listen to music while working and she
said yes since it helps them have better moods. This means that when listening to music while working it keeps students focused and helps them have better moods.
Although not everybody thinks that listening to music has a good effect, some
think that it has a bad effect and that it just distracts people.
To sum it all up, most people, especially the people I interviewed think that
listening to music while working has a good effect. Does listening to music while
working have a good effect or a bad effect? You should have learned if listening
to music while working has a good or bad effect. Do you think listening to music while working has a good or bad effect?