“Man's best friend” is a common phrase when talking of animals, usually the phrase is centered more towards dogs, yet how close are dogs and humans, well animals and humans.
Service animals are quite common as they help in many ways, from disabilities or comfort to
work and entertainment, non the less they are truly there for you, and I will tell you how!
Before we get into much smaller details first off, what are the different types of service?
The most common are known as Service Dogs which [assist] in everyday life for the common human suffering from such problems as blindness, hearing, autism, allergies and more!
Others are Emotional support animals, who suffer from a bit of conflict and aren’t considered true service animals by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). ESA are trained for a specific owner and are not trained to fulfill certain “tasks or duties to aid a person with disabilities” as American Kennel Club states, yet they are considered to help comfort people with Depression, anxiety, some phobias and even [loneliness].
There are Also Work dogs, who are specialized in things such as Finding people in natural disasters, and as attack dogs whether to protect your property or to assist the military.
However we are here to focus on the drama between Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals. Seeing Service animals is quite common, and you can normal tell by if they are wearing a special harness stating they are a service animal, Emotional support while a bit rarer can also be seen in public wearing a special harness stating there an emotional support dog, While yes both wear a flashy harness with what form of service they perform emotional support animals don't have as many “free-passes” as service animals do. Things they share in common with the “free passes” are, they both can accompany the handler on flights by the help of the Air Carrier access act, and the fact they can stay with disabled
people in Homes with “No Pet” Policies by federal law.

Now what is so different about these animals? To start with Service Animals are Tasked Trained to help their owner whether its to get to a specific place or to make sure there's no dangerous chemicals there owner may be allergic to, Emotional support animals are more of there to help if the owner need comfort similar to a small child with their stuffed animal. While yes the Emotional support animals can access its way onto flights and past “No Pet” rules in homes, it can't exactly go everywhere, Only Service animals are able to go into stores, movie theaters and other common places there would normal be a “No pets” rule, Though I wouldn’t be surprised to see the rules change some of the animals they consider to be emotional support, and I mean no offense but people have had peacocks on planes due to claiming they where there emotional support animal.
Now Support tends to overthrow Service in one category and that's how many people they serve. Service tends to only serve one person and their needs, while Emotional support can serve an entire household of people. With the given information its up to you do you believe Emotional Support animals and Service should be equals or at least on the same level of acceptance?