Social media is a controversy in itself; we all have social media platforms we like best, but what’s become more popular over the years?When we think of social media most probably think of Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter. We all know the apps that come to mind, but out of most social media platforms what are the most popular? That’s the general
topic this article is covering.
So the real question here, What social media platforms are most popular?
There are many apps that have gone up in popularity during covid. According to, The most popular apps globally by 2021 were, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp. TikTok had the most downloads, the count being 656 million. Along with Instagram that had 545 million and Facebook with 416 million. If we just look at the popularity in 2021 with the U.S. it would look a little different. The most popular in the U.S was, TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. TikTok having 94 million downloads, along with Instagram having 64 million, and Snapchat having 56 million downloads.
People download these apps but what do they or others post that attract them to the apps? I interviewed a few people to see what they post. One of the responses I got was, “I mostly post art and other random things like that,” said Kayla. “I post photos I like of me/others”, says an anonymous student. When I asked what apps they posted on, Kayla said, “TikTok and Instagram”, along with “Instagram and Snapchat” from the anonymous student. One of the last questions I asked was, what do you enjoy watching/seeing on social media? “I like art and gaming”, says Kayla. The apps that Kayla sees these kinds of posts on are, Youtube, Twitch, TikTok, and Instagram. Though these are just some of the things you can see on social media. Other types of things on social media for the public eye are,
dancing videos, memes, and lipsyncing. There are a lot of different types of videos on the internet, your job is to figure out what you enjoy watching.
Overall, the more popular apps said in this article have to be TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. Though the most mentioned were TikTok and Instagram. As much as this article is pointing out common and popular social media platforms, your opinion is what matters. What are your favorite social media platforms?