Have you ever wondered what a day for Chef is like? Instructing culinary students,
cooking, working in the kitchen. It has been pondered by many students who do not
take culinary courses at ITMS. His job seems simple-but there’s more to him than
you may think. What is Chef Ays’s life like?
To start, we need an interview with Chef himself. Chef Ays has a busy schedule, and has hundreds of papers to grade each day, reports to read, and on top of this, he has to make sure the entire kitchen is spotless! 5 ovens, 6 sinks, a freezer, a fridge, 3 microwaves, 5 counters, and dozens more appliances is a lot on your plate! (No pun intended) We met during his free period. He was full of stories!
First off, he was asked why he chose culinary as his career. It’s a hard busines, and
requires a lot of work! He replied: “I was attending Gainesville University, taking
normal classes. I worked at a restaurant, to make money. I loved seeing the
satisfaction on people’s faces when they liked something they ate. I got into the
business”. What was the most memorable part of your career? “The most memorable
part was when I worked at Golden Oak near Disney. I worked with amazing people
and met celebrities. I learned and grew my skills there”. He was next asked why he
chose to work at ITMS. “It is the only middle school in the county with a culinary
program. I like teaching, and I can do that while cooking. The job kind of fell into
my lap”. Lastly, he was asked what his favorite part of the job is. “I love cooking. It's
been in my family. I enjoy seeing students become open to food”. What about the
hardest part? Teaching doesn’t always come with glory. “The most difficult part is
teaching younger students, who sometimes are not as serious, are messy, and don’t
stay on track”. Wow! Chef’s story is very interesting!
Several students were also asked about Chef. On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate Chef’s job? Jackson Anderson: “A 7”. Bella Inanc: “9”. Owen Thomas: “8.5”. It seems like Chef’s job is wanted!
Hopefully you enjoyed reading about Chef. We may never know all of it, but Chef’s life is pretty cool!