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"What are your thoughts on the FSA?" by Aiden Lugo

Have you ever wondered about the FSA? So many questions come to mind like why do we take it? Or maybe who gives it to us? Or even how it's graded? The Florida Standards Assessments also known as the (FSA) measures are educational smarts and progress to see how we as students are doing in school and keeps a track of our progression with our scores to make sure we are on the correct grade level with stuff we are learning in school. The paragraphs below will provide some reasons on why the FSA is so important and the reasons we take it.

First off, taking the FSA is an important part of our education. Assuming “most of us” hate the FSA because it's a long graded test and takes hours out of our day but the benefits outweigh the cons. It is extremely beneficial that you take the FSA. By taking this test it allows students and teachers to compare with one another showing how well or bad someone is performing on a grade level with educational issues that can be worked on if caught early even after the test is graded .Standardized testing is a metric for learning. This is extremely useful because it gives us data so we can compare other schools. Credit ” states.” I also interviewed a student named William Kirry. I asked him what his opinion on the FSA is and he said he hates it. I followed up with him by asking why he hates the test so much. His response was its annoying. I then asked him questions like who do you think grades the FSA, and his response was the people who work for the FSA. I then interviewed Ms Liotta. I have administered the FSA at both the high school and middle school levels. At both levels I see the test anxiety's effects on many students. One girl at the high school level panicked so badly before the exam that she skipped it. It makes me wonder, with all of the other ways that we gather data, if this exam is worth the mental strain and stress that it has on students. Even though this test seems draining to many kids that I interviewd . We have many proven facts on how beneficial this test actually is.

FSA exams are used to drive instruction and make goals for the state's schools. Credit: William Kirry, was right about one thing and that was that people that work for the FSA do grade our test. Those people work at our Florida Department of Education. They are the ones who review our tests and send them back to us. Did you know this test also shows how teachers are teaching by the results they get back. This is very important because it shows how well teachers are teaching students on a daily basis and what students are learning and taking in.

In conclusion the FSA is essential. The FSA exams are meant for the schools to make certain goals and make sure we are at grade levels. So even though it might seem like a long test and certain students hate it, perhaps the real reason students hate this test is because they have to wake up so early that morning and go to bed early the night before. The real goal is that this test is preparing us for graduation. In order for us to be on track with our life goals for our future. So the next time you have to take this test, remember what we talked about and what the true meaning of this test is and what the reasons behind the test are. Maybe then will you have a second opinion and it won't be as bad as you thought it was in the first place. I had fun talking and learning about the FSA with you.

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