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"Young Women of Distinction" By Alyssandra Monte

Amelia Earheart, Hellen Keller, and Malala Yousafizai are all women who made an impact on the world. Now at ITMS we have our own club about young women. Let's look at an interview with the club's founders. The Young women of distinction club was founded by Mrs. Liotta 8th grade English teacher and Mrs. Klayman 6th grade world history teacher. I will be asking them questions to learn more about the club.

I was curious about why this club was started. I also wanted to learn more about this club. So I decided on some questions to ask the founders. The first question I asked them was. Why was this club founded? Mrs. Liotta answered. ”When I used to teach in high school we already had these programs in place. When I came to teach in middle school I saw a lot of young women and men without mentors and I wanted to be a mentor for young ladies.” When Mrs. Klayman was asked this question and she replied . “I was approached by a student at the end of last year and the club did not exist last year. The student wanted it to be available for her 8th grade year and I was super honored that she wanted me to be a part of it.” My thoughts on this was that, I like the way that they both founded this club for students. I thought this was great for young students to learn more. After this I asked the next question. How do you think this club fits in with the other clubs? Mrs. Liotta answered “I think most clubs are directed to interests not that is club isn't an Interest but it is more of a club directed to being a mentor.” Mrs. Klayman said something similar. I think it is great that this is a club for teaching young people and being mentors for them.

I think that I have gotten some good answers but I want at least one more. So I asked a follow up question. Do you think that we could add more clubs like this in the future? Mrs. Liotta’s answer was. “Yes I do think so, this club will be an elective next year. But the board will have to approve.” Mrs. Klayman said something similar. I think it's great for the school to have these kinds of clubs.

Overall I think I learned a lot about this club and I'm happy I did. I think Mrs. Klayman

and Mrs. Liotta Answered my Questions with good answers. I hope you learned a lot about this club. This will be up for an elective next year. I hope you sign up and have background information on this club.

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